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Title: Renormalization of a Model For Spin-1 Matter Fields
Authors: Ailier Rivero Acosta
Authors' IDs: info:eu-repo/dai/mx/orcid/0000-0001-7651-3927
Contributor: Carlos Alberto Vaquera Araujo
Contributor's IDs: info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/131432
Abstract: Spin-1 matter fields are relevant both in the description of hadronic states and in some constructions of theories Beyond the Standard Model. In this work we study the renormalization of a model based on a spin-1 matter Lagrangian formulated in terms of an antisymmetric field transforming in the (1, 0) +(0, 1) representation of the Homogeneous Lorentz Group. The model includes an arbitrary gyromagnetic factor and self-interactions of the spin-1 field, which has mass dimension one. We describe the properties of the model and the Feynman rules. It is shown that the considered model is renormalizable at one-loop order for any value of the gyromagnetic factor and the beta functions are determined. We also found that there is no fixed points for any real value of g different from 0.
Issue Date: 2-Sep-2020
Publisher: Universidad de Guanajuato
Language: eng
Appears in Collections:Maestría en Física

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